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Showing posts with label ron howard. Show all posts

Monday 30 July 2018

Solo: A Star Wars Story Review

Just when you were starting to think that Star Wars should bugger off to a galaxy far, far away for a long time, along comes Solo: A Star Wars Story. With the underwhelming The Force Awakens (which fans considered to be “too safe”) and the hugely-divisive The Last Jedi (which fans considered to be “too risky”), the latest non-episodic entry is a welcome break from lightsabers. In fact, let’s jump straight into hyperspace – it’s the best Star Wars movie since fan-favourite The Empire Strikes Back. While, in all honesty, that isn't saying much considering what's come since then, it's a statement that’s bound to trigger some upset among those very-hard-to-please fans nonetheless. But hey, it isn’t Star Wars without a little controversy, right?